XRS - Extensible Radio Specification XRS Technology: Interfacing radio with computers.
Presets The Presets plug-in makes it possible to remember complete receiver settings (frequency, mode, volume, attenuator and squelch) and recall them all at once, by clicking on one button.

This is a very useful tool making it possible to quickly change from one receiver setting to another, and so move from one monitored frequency to another with minimum delay.

Twenty presets are available. Each preset can be individually named (using the edit boxes on the right). Buttons labelled Store and Recall are used to store and recall presets.

There is also an Always On Top facility (the "Top" button) and an Auto Docking feature (the "Dock" button) which hides the plug-in behind the left edge of the screen when not used (moving the mouse cursor close to the left edge brings it back).